lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018


  • The Catholic Monarchs: Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon.
  • The creation of the kingdom of Spain.
  • Conquerors, sailors and explorers: Hernán Cortés, Pizarro, Magellan and Elcano.
  • The conquest of Granada.
  • The end of the Reconquest (1492).
  • The discovery of America.
  • Christopher Columbus and his trips.

READING: Columbus

1.      Where was Columbus from?
2.      When was Columbus born?
3.      Who was controlling the trade routes through the Middle  East?
4.      Travelling through the Middle East was difficult, which solution did Columbus find?
5.      What’s the name of the ship Columbus sailed on?
6.      What are the names of the other two ships?
7.      When did Columbus return to Spain after his first trip?
8.      How many voyages to America did Columbus make?
9.      Do people like Columbus? Why?